Friday, 26 June 2009

Boy Oh Boy!!!

I have seriously been neglecting my blog recently but in my defence I have very good reasons for my absent! With the Westend Festival in the middle of June, which unfortunately this year didn't do as well as I expected! The credit crunch really has hit home :(. But hopefully the next craft sale will do better :).

And the second and main reason for my absent was because on June 23rd I became an Aunt! A beautiful baby born on a beautiful day! Little baby Nathan Reid made a surprise arrival almost 2 weeks early (definitely not a trate he got from his mum) weighing a tiny 6 pounds 8 ounce, but boy does he have the longest finger and legs. Both Mummy Sharon and Nathan are doing well and Daddy Stuart has a constant smile on his face. And the rest of the family are all completely smitten by him...especially me :). Auntie Nic intends to spoil him rotten no matter what mummy says :). So I intend to try and travel down home a bit more to spend time with Nathan and my sister...but it feels like iv been working non-stop since finishing up for the summer.

I have been feeling very unproductive in the dissertation department too :(.Really, Really, REALLY need to get my finger out and get on with it! Anyone fancy giving me a shake lol. It also doesn't help when you seem to have no time management skills. So if anyone has any tips, please share...Any help would be good.

Off to work at T in the Park on the 10th...That feed my new habbit....spoiling Nathan :)

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